WHERE has Emery been, WHERE is Emery now, and WHERE, oh WHERE is Emery going?

Emery avoids keeping track of such things, which makes a career in comedy so appealing.

Has-Been Location

Emery has experience performing as a stand-up in Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Scotland. So there. Emery lived for 10 years in Pennsylvania, but didn’t find anything there funny enough to write about. Just kidding. Pennsylvania’s too hilarious for words. Emery spent 10 years in Alaska, which was screamingly comical, and over 30 years in Utah, a place where one has to laugh or one will just…..wither away. Emery has not had the privilege of living in Idaho, Oregon or Scotland, but did have the opportunity to bust out the funny in those charming places while on a visit. For those of you with sweet math skills, you will now realize that Emery is old.

Be Here Now Location

It’s difficult to discuss the present since the beginning of this sentence is now the past and the end of this sentence that will be the future is now the present. So instead of getting all existential about it, the present will be roughly defined as the time period of the twelve to eighteen months comprising 2016 and 2017 CE.

During this time known as the present, Emery has been spending time in Helper City, Utah, also known as a “living ghost town.” Emery has done some open mics in Salt Lake City and Price City, Utah and was an opener for a comedy show in the glittering metropolis known as Tooele City, Utah. Emery entered the World Series of Comedy earlier this year and performed at a sub-satellite location in Nampa, Idaho. Yes, that’s right. Nampa – not Tampa – but Nampa. Emery will continue the quest for comedy greatness once the 100 or so moving boxes underneath the collapsed carport are unpacked. So, stay tuned…

Going Going Gone Location

Ah, the future – one of Emery’s favorite places and times. There are lots of scenarios, but ’tis speculation ’til the future is the present. Of course, Emery will continue to prospect for comedy gold within a day’s driving distance of the Rear of the Wasatch. Obviously, Emery is particularly interested in performing in a worldwide comedy tour as long as it includes the mighty, mighty cities of Yakutsk, Sakha Republic; Dawson City, Yukon; Qasigiannguit, Greenland; Edinburgh of the Seven Seas, Tristan da Cunha; and Launceston, Tasmania. So, if a BAM (Booker Agent Manger) wants to book Emery for a gig, then Emery will be there in about 120,000 heartbeats.