As I’ve gotten older, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking; and I’ve come to the conclusion that there are not enough words that begin with the letter ‘x’. I’ve also discovered that there are a number of occasions when I don’t know the gender of the person I’m addressing. Coincidence? I think not. Therefore, I’m pleased to introduce the world premiere of gender-neutral pronouns:

xa subjective (he/she/it)

xo objective (him/her/it)

xus possessive (his/hers/its)

xoself reflexive (himself/herself/itself)

Examples: Xa is a friend of Chris. I don’t know much about xo, but xus reputation is sterling. I understand xa accomplished all these things xoself.

Rationale: Even though “it” is a gender-neutral, third-person, singular, personal pronoun, there is an aspect of objectification when that pronoun is used to describe people. Most importantly, the new gender-neutral pronouns will be a boon to Scrabble players.   ~ Emery Lamb

Daily Tidbit48