Weekly Rumination15

THE FIRST 100 DAYS   This week, I’m ruminating about milestones. The first hundred days have come and gone for you-know-who; that infamous, inexperienced, corpulent, lay-about who watches an awful lot of tv, and twitters on a daily basis. Some may say this...

Daily Tidbit100

Chain stores are closing at a record pace in my small town. It’s getting harder and harder to find clothes for the kiddle, unless she wants to dress like a rodeo queen.   ~ Emery...

Daily Tidbit99

“Linda, what is curling?” “Housework. It’s housework on ice, is what it is. They throw a paperweight across an ice rink, and then these ladies furiously dust in front of it, to clear the path because they’d like a tidy ice rink. Anyone...

Daily Tidbit98

I was once asked to sum up the experience of growing up in Salt Lake City and I replied, “I once jabbed a prophet in the neck with my violin bow.” So, there ya’...